Veterinary Nurse Clinics in Edinburgh | Abercorn Vets
nurse clinics

Nurse clinics

Our Registered Veterinary Nurses work with you to help keep your pet healthy and happy with preventative care and advice.

Our nurses run friendly, helpful clinics covering a range of subjects such as:

Dental care

Whether you would like help with preventative oral care or would like to continue treatment after a dental, our nurses can help.

They can advise on a range of treatments from brushing your pet’s teeth to dental diets and everything in-between. Together you can come to a dental plan that is best for you and your pet.

Diet advice

Diet plays a massive part in the wellbeing of your pet.

We offer a wide range of diets to help with many clinical conditions and life stages. Our nurses can help find the right diet for your pet.

Weight management

A recent study has shown that a staggering 30% of all Scottish pets are classed as obese – a problem which can lead to serious long-term and life-limiting health issues.

Obesity can be defined as an excess of body fat that is enough to impair health, welfare and quality of life.

It can cause suffering as well as severe disability and can result in serious life-threatening health problems including heart disease, respiratory distress, high blood pressure, cancers and diabetes.

We may all love our pets but it is dangerous and unhealthy to feed it titbits between meals.

We will ensure your pet is kept in peak condition through a detailed, tailored diet and exercise regime especially for your furry friend.

Flea, tick and worm control

Prevention is definitely key when it comes to parasites as it reduces cost and stress. Once your pet has fleas the house has fleas!

Our nurses can advise the best preventative treatment for your pet.

Nail clips and grooming advice

We understand how stressful clipping your pets nails at home can be, both for you and your pet. Let us take the stress away!

Our well-trained nurses can clip your pets nails for you.

Rabbit clinics

We are on the Rabbit Friendly Vet list and have a Silver Award with the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF).

We also have our own rabbit enthusiast, nurse Rachel Sibbald, who promotes rabbit welfare at the practice. Rachel has had several articles published in the RWAF’s magazine ‘Rabbiting On’ which provides health advice and tips to rabbit owners.