In-House Diagnostics | Abercorn Vets

In-house diagnostics

We have a range of x-ray facilities including standard digital radiography as well as dental radiography and abdominal ultrasound.

These procedures allow for fast diagnosis of health conditions inside your animal’s body that cannot be spotted during an external examination.

Both x-rays and ultrasound involve medical imaging procedures. They are painless and non-invasive and have the advantage of spotting potentially serious health conditions.

Ultrasound, a procedure which uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of part of the inside of the body, is commonly used to check for pregnancy or on occasions the life-threatening womb infection pyometra which must be treated quickly.

It uses sound waves to make a computer image to check that organs are working properly. If an abnormality is found the ultrasound machines can be used for guidance when taking a biopsy for testing.

X-rays also produce images of the inside of the body and are an effective way of looking at bones using a type of radiation.

They are used to detect a range of conditions such as making a diagnosis when an animal is lame or has sore joints.

As well as looking at bones and joints, they can also be used to detect problems affecting soft tissue such as internal organs and can diagnose heart and lung disorders, vomiting and digestive problems and urinary issues.

They are normally performed under light sedation and are commonly a day procedure where your pet comes in first thing in the morning and goes home to you in the afternoon.

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